COVID-19 Employee Policy
JPB Painting Company Ltd (JPB)’s first priority is the safety of its employees, clients and community. JPB has identified the risks associated with Covid-19 and has drafted the following procedures to mitigate those risk. We expect JPB employees to take care of their own health and safety, and the health and safety of others, while at work by making good decisions and cooperating with any reasonable health and safety instructions, policies and procedures they’re given.
It is crucial that you stay at home if you are unwell. If you have the symptoms of Covid-19 (a cough, a high temperature (at least 38°C), shortness of breath, sore throat, sneezing and runny nose, temporary loss of smell) please telephone Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or your doctor immediately and call us.
We are here to help. If you are feeling anxious or feel that the measures that have been introduced are not sufficient please contact us immediately.
Basic hygiene measures – Click for detail
COVID-19, like the flu, can be spread from person to person. That’s why it’s really important to use good hygiene, regularly wash and thoroughly dry your hands, and use good cough etiquette. It is important to remember to cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with tissues, put used tissues in the bin or a bag immediately, don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
Social distancing– Click for detail
You must remain at least 2 meters apart at all times and keep close contact time to less than 15 minutes. If you work at a desk, you should try and erect a barrier between you and your workmates if possible. Move the desks so that they are as far from each other as possible.
There will not be company-wide morning meetings until further notice Instead at the start of the working day every site will conduct a prestart meeting, discussing safety issues, with a focus on cleaning facilities, deliveries, communications etc.
Crews will not be mixed, from one day to the next, we will have team bubbles.
Getting to and from work will change. Vans will be restricted to a maximum of 3 persons. Masks must be worn at all times when in a JPB vehicle. All surfaces must be wiped regularly. Personal vehicles will be used to get to the work site where a JPB vehicle is not available.
All breaks are to be split with no more than 4 people to be on a break at one time. Those that are on a break must sit at least 3 meters apart during their break. There is to be no sharing of food or drink.
Only one employee is to use the bathroom at one time. It is possible that clients will not want JPB employees to use their bathroom, if that is the case Foremen need to establish alternatively arrangements.
Masks – Click for detail
Every employee has been given a reusable, cloth mask for their use. There is no consistent research on the benefits of masks but it is likely that they can stop the wearer passing on viruses through droplets. Accordingly, we ask that you wear that mask to and from work and whenever you are not wearing your personal respirator. You should ensure that you do not touch the front of the mask when putting it on and removing it. The masks should be washed nightly in warm soapy water.
Handwashing and sanitiser– Click for detail
Each van and team will be provided with handwashing facilities. These will include liquid soap, a bowl, paper towels and water. Hands should be washed regularly. Each van will also be provided with hand sanitiser which should be applied often.
Each van will also have alcohol wipes, disposable gloves, safety glasses and masks. Training in the correct use of PPE is given to all JPB staff.
Disinfecting surfaces – Click for detail
No-one is to use the break rooms at JPB until further notice.
Each van with spray bottles containing disinfectant and paper towels. These should be used to clean door handles and other surfaces that may become contaminated. Surfaces at jobs and in the vans that people may have touched must be cleaned morning and night. Always wear disposable gloves when cleaning. When finished, place used gloves in a rubbish bin. Wash your hands immediately after handling these items.
JPB office surfaces are to be cleaned at least twice daily with an emphasis on door handles and shared surfaces.
Contact Tracing – Click for detail
Each JPB employee will be given a notebook and pen to assist with contact tracing. You need to note down the name of every person who may be classed as a close contact with during the course of your workday. This is someone you have spent more than 15 minutes with during the day in close proximity. You will need to ask them their name and where they work. If you do get sick, this record will be used to contact those that may have infected you or been infected by you. It is possible that your only close contacts will be your team members and, in that case, you will not need to write their names in the notebooks .